First off, The Bachelor. We all agree that Lauren B. is the clear winner, don’t we? As precious as I find Amanda and Caila I just FEEL IT with Lauren B., you know? Oh, and one more thing. How amazing is it that this show is on at 7:00 PM? Pregnant women and moms everywhere answer, AMEN.
Now, on to the real reason we are here…
Hashtag goals.
Last year, when I was in the thick of trying to perfect our house, I wrote some goal posts and tried to keep up with documenting all of the changes we were making. It didn’t stick. Mainly because I realized over this last year that I refuse to settle for stuff that I don’t 100% love just to fill up our house with “things.” So I’m embracing the natural process.
What I’m trying to say here is these are different kind of goals, the general kind. I do believe in setting intentions for myself on the regular because guys, I need a lot of work. I’m keeping it pretty simple this month because I have A LOT going on between late night training nights at work and finishing up the cheer season.
Be More Intentional in My Prayer and Quiet Time
So cliche, amiright? But seriously, all areas of my life are just better when I make these things a priority in my daily routine and I’ve got to be more consistent with it.
Stress Less
Specifically about the baby and this pregnancy. I spent far too much of January stressing over what I was eating, if I was overexerting myself during my workouts, when he was kicking, and every other little change to my body and if it meant something was wrong. No more. Ultimately, I am not in control of this pregnancy and I need to stop acting like I am by freaking out 24/7.
House Goals
There are a few things I want to get done this month! We (Nathan, obvs) got the man cave painted over the weekend so I need to finish transitioning that to the office. Then, I’d like to paint Camden’s room and at least have an IKEA trip on the calendar for February (preferred) or March. Weekends are filling up fast and that one will take some planning.
We did ok last month with working out several times a week early in the morning and I want to keep that streak going. I’m going to be conservative (because like I said earlier my schedule is cray this month) and my goal is at least three morning workouts and one yoga class per week, plus daily walks with the pup.
Fingers crossed I can make these things happen this month. Do you all set monthly intentions for yourself? Do you find that they work or no?
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