Unless this is your first day around me or the blog, you probably already know that your girl’s drink of choice is a margarita. I’ve never met one I didn’t like. Now that I’m two kids deep (and ahem, getting older) I have given up my daily Straw-Ber-Ita habit for the sake of my health. I should probably also thank White Claw and their delicious, low calorie, low carb beverages for making that switch a little easier as well.
ANYWAYS. MARGARITAS. Give ’em to me any way you want. Cans, bottles, blended, over ice, lime, strawberry, cranberry, WHATEVER I promise I’m here for it. Or so I thought. When my mom first brought up the idea of “Beergaritas” while we were on vacation my first thought was “Why on earth would you taint the delicious taste of a margarita with a disgusting BEER?” But friends, I’ve never been happier to be so utterly wrong about something in my life! These beergaritas are perfection. So delicious and truly refreshing which is what we all need while sitting by the beach or the pool or where ever it is that we are sweating our buns off, right?
- Your favorite tequila
- 7Up or Sprite (I’m going to try lime sparkling water here soon and will report back with the results)
- One bottle of Corona
- One can of limeade concentrate
Mix everything together measuring out your 7Up/Sprite and tequila by using your limeade can. Just fill her up, dump, mix, and serve over ice! I would say this makes about 4-5 glasses.
Would you ever try a beergarita? If you do, let me know what you think!
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