We had such a fun weekend! The weather was perfection here in southern Indiana and we soaked up as much outside time as possible. Fall, please stay forever.
Friday both kids were home so we ran a couple of errands and then headed to the park for a little bit.
Evansville mamas: This was the park in McCutchanville by the baseball and soccer fields. It was fun but definitely for older kids! Camden (4) could do most everything but Lucy (2) wasn’t big enough do much at all. Of course that didn’t stop her from attempting to go up the tallest ladder 100x.
Camden got no picture love at the park because I couldn’t take my eyes off this girl for .5 seconds, ha!
Saturday I met up with the Fit4Mom girls at a local park to get an early workout in before everyone was up. It was 50 degrees and sunny – complete perfection!
After breakfast and a shower we loaded up the kids and headed to a local farm to pick apples. Camden’s class had learned about apples the previous week so I thought it would be a fun way to wrap that up for him. We heard a lot of facts about how the trees grow and of course how Johnny Appleseed planted the first apple tree in California! (I did not check his historically accuracy on that.)
My kids don’t actually like to eat apples (eye roll) so we ended up only letting them pick 10ish so they wouldn’t go to waste. The kids had a ball running through the trees, chasing the farm dog, and playing on the old tractor. Well, Camden had fun on the tractor. Lucy is terrified of EVERYTHING lately (I guess that’s what happens when you don’t leave the house for the most recent 1/3 of your life. Thanks COVID.) and kept saying “Trash truck get me mommy!” and running away. Any big car/truck/van is a “trash truck” right now, lol.
Nathan and I celebrated our wedding anniversary Saturday night with dinner inside a restaurant! I think it was actually only our third time eating inside somewhere since March and our first time just the two of us. Crazy to think about! I was so out of sorts I didn’t take any pics, whomp whomp. It was SO nice to get out just the two of us, though!
Sunday was another unbelievably beautiful day so after donuts and church we made a quick batch of crockpot applesauce then spent the rest of the morning outside! My kids are 1000% obsessed with applesauce and would eat 5 poches a day if I let them. I’ll go ahead and take your bets if they will eat this delicious homemade stuff. After lunch Camden had a t-ball game then afterwards we rushed home to get Lucy down for a nap before things got really hairy.
After dinner and baths we surprised the kids with their Halloween jammies, a new book, and some Halloween craft stuff from the dollar spot at Target. Camden wanted to watch “a Halloween movie we haven’t seen” so we found Toy Story of Terror on YouTube.
I live for weekends like this!
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